A Woman Named Bobbee
“I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.”
The words of Joyce Kilmer.
Bobbee loved trees. Confronted by the sight of green leafy branches set against the blue skies of summer, she would often say, “Let’s stop and take a picture.” In many ways, the tree is a symbol of Bobbee’s life. Like the tree lifting her leaves to heaven to pray, Bobbee extended her branches to touch, to shelter, to love many people – her family, her students, her friends.
She remembered the trees of her childhood in the Ohio countryside, the rolling rural areas where on sunny days she would go to the family barn to milk Flossie the cow. She remembered swimming in ponds formed by rain in the bottomland of the farm. Her sense of humor was a natural part of her. Referring to the farm’s owner she would say, “Let’s go swim in Andy Ryan’s ‘bottom.'”
We shall always remember Bobbee’s simple sayings. Like, “Every day that I wake up is a wonderful day.” And, “Life is short, live everyday to the fullest.”
She had great compassion expressed in unusual ways. She loved the Indians and the Browns, but when the home teams were winning by big scores she felt sorry for the other team. “Well,” she explained, “those boys have Mamas, too.”
Amazingly, Bobbee never criticized. Somehow, someway, she found the good in every situation. Most of all we shall remember Bobbee’s love which she extended to everyone… but especially to her children, and to her family. Sometimes, it could be a fierce love especially when it came to her grandchildren, whom she loved to spoil. How they enjoyed that.
That was the true Bobbee.
“I think I shall never see a Poem as lovely as a tree, a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair.”
Joyce Kilmer was a gifted writer and so was Bobbee in her own special way. For many years, she carried with her a wrinkled sheet of paper. On it she had written words that could not be more appropriate as we pause to remember her.
To all she said, “I wish you good health and a long and happy life. God’s blessings on you, your family, your loved ones, and your friends. May your everyday be filled with good fortune and with happiness and with love.”
What a beautiful message from a beautiful and good woman.
Dear Bobbee, I think we shall never see someone as sweet, as lovely as Thee.
I’m Virgil Dominic.