How should we look at life? Especially now as the world faces a runaway virus and as we struggle here at home with our divided nation? How do we heal? How do we come together again?
As I was thinking about this an old adage suddenly came to my mind. We have all heard it before. Do we see the glass half empty or half full? As much as we have heard this I think it is a question that is worth pondering and, as we ponder, perhaps the answer may help us deal with this perilous time.
With all the worry at present, it is easy to see the glass as half empty. But, we must realize that this is not a permanent condition. We can change our perspective by changing our thinking. How do we do that?
Perhaps, by imagining the glass as not half empty or half full, but seeing the glass as containing nothing at all.
As I view the empty glass, I imagine myself filling it with all the blessings in my life. The love I have for my wife, for my children and grand children, my friends. I hear the laughter in my life and add that to the glass. I hear birdsong. I see flowers and trees and sunrises and sunsets and stars in the heavens and the simple beauty of a smile.
As I think of all these blessings, I look again at the glass. An amazing thing has happened. The glass is not half empty. It is not half full. It is … overflowing!!!
May it be so for all of us.